
by Hung apps

Books & Reference


This is a updb book reader.

ChineseBookReader features1. It can read updb format book from It can download from directly.3. It can change reading from top/bottom to left/right or vice versa.4. It can change reading from Landscape to Portrait or vice versa.5. Auto remembering the last reading page.6. Auto remembering the last 10 books.7. It can adjust the character size, space between lines and space between characters.8. It can change the background color and character color.9. It can jump to any pages within the chapter.10. Support chinese fonts other than default.11. It can change the book directory12. It can open updb format book other than book directory13. Updb book has a different icon1.1.2+bug fix1.1.1+can read USB drive FAT32 format1.1.0 + bug fix+ copy feature

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Very nice reader. Can we have a feature where we can edit the contents of the updb files?



Mickey Lau


Vincent Hsinhsien Wu

I really like the software. However, when I use my Likebook Mimas, I see nextPage, manualButton prevPage underneath the normal display (eInk). I don't have the same problem with my phone (color display). I guess it is related to the color presentation on eInk is different. It would be nice if this problem can be fixed. Thanks a lot!

Rodney Chan

非常正!唯一希望如其他 Reading Apps, 可選擇熒幕長明。

A Google user